Marlon Mattis
Hey Mark,
I hope all is well with you and the family. How is Chris doing this season. I’m sure this will be a great year for him.
I wanted to keep you up-to-date with one of your former students. A couple of weeks ago Sam won the Ivy League Championships at Princeton.
He not only took home the top prize but broke the Ivy League Heps record as well. He threw 191″5′. Incidentally, a few months earlier, he set the University of Pennsylvania school record on his very first toss in his very first meet for the school.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing is to tell you that as I watched him accomplish all these great things for himself, and as he continues to get great coaching, one thing remains absolutely true; everything that he does technically after all these years still come back the Mirabelli training approach.
I went back to his videos from 2009 and compared them to current videos and I can see him applying the exact same fundamental technical elements that he learned from you. All he’s doing now is fine tuning the positions and developing greater speed and strength around those core fundamentals. I can almost hear you telling him to “don’t rush it, get the hips up and slap the discus out there.”
It’s like you laid the foundation properly to a great building and the structure around the strong foundation may change and grow but the foundation is still the thing that keeps it all strong and standing. I have to say, I am still thankful that we connected with you and that you continue to play such a key role in the success that Sam has seen. Anyway, he is currently ranked the #1 Freshman in the country and is the top 20 throwers nationally. He goes off to the NCCA regionals next week and hopefully moves on to Eugene in June for the Division 1 national Championships.
You may not always hear back from your students and parents; however, each time one of your former students picks up an implement and tosses it further than they had before, you laid the ground work for making that happen and that has to be quite gratifying to you. Take care Mark and thanks for all that you have done. I’ll continue to keep you posted as the post season wraps up.
Marlon Mattis
Alice Hrebell
Hi Coach Mark,
Just wanted to say thank you so much for working with Johnny. He has decided to just stick with winter track and the shot put. I am hoping that he keeps with it for college but also we are looking at D3 schools and he could play football again as well. Just to keep him active and involved. You helped him so much not only with the sport but with his confidence and for all that we are so grateful.
Alice Hrebell
Brian Holden
Dear Coach Mirabelli,
Just wanted to let you know that I came off a great weekend of throwing. I hit 180′ 2″ at the Bergen County group meet and that puts me at number one in Bergen County. Thanks for your help. I would maybe like to schedule one more session with you before states.(Brian started in the winter at 165′ Javelin.)
Thanks again,
Brian Holden
Dean Peters
Great job with clinic! Carly came away with a lot.
Thanks and great job,
Dean Peters
Darren & Michelle Herbst
Hi Mark!
We found your website using a Google search. We were very skeptical
when we read the thrower’s improvement page. We didn’t think it was
possible for a girl javelin thrower to pick up 10+ feet in just one
lesson. However, we booked a lesson, hoping to improve our daughter’s
performance for the Morris County Championship. Nicole was averaging
107-111 feet. She threw 122’4″, taking 2nd place! She is now on her way
to the MOC with a throw of 122’11”. We are convinced that the training
session with you is the reason why she’s made it this far. Thank
Darren & Michelle Herbst
Mrs. Scelso
Coach Mark,
Just wanted to give you a sincere THANK YOU! for your excellent training in the Javelin (and shot put) for our son Nick as he signed his NLI and will be heading to Mount Saint Mary’s University next Fall as part of their Class of 2019 and he will be part of their D1 Track and Field Team for Javelin! Not only did you help train him with your expert knowledge, drills, encouragement and patience you have became a true friend to our family and we are grateful! Thank you Mark for everything and helping to get Nick to the level of competition to be noticed and approached by so many Universities. It gave him so many choices and I believe he is going to be attending the University that suits him best!
Mrs. Scelso
Momma L. and Deja Powell
Happy Easter Mark & family,
Its Lorna Morton from Chester VA! My daughter was so pleased with your track & field clinic on last Sunday. She has been a sprinter since the 6th grade and has never had exposure to the type of training she received at your clinic. She learned a fitness routine she can implement in her practice schedule and received help on how to improve her form as a sprinter. The coaching, at the track, for learning to throw a discus was all new and taught in a way she can remember to apply and continue to work on. I want to thank you also for just talking to her with encouragement when she was starting to give out. Each athlete was given individual attention by the coaches. In a group setting that’s not easy to do. Your coaches didn’t show favoritism to anyone, they were willing to help all the athletes get the most out of the clinic. Also they were approachable. Athletes could talk to the coaches to ask questions. I actually got autographs from some of them.My daughter remembered her experience and applied what she learned at practice this week. This is a clinic athletes and coaches can use, it wasn’t a sales pitch to entice someone to do business later, it was the real deal. Wish she could have done it years ago.
Thank you,
Momma L. and Deja Powell
Casey Henderson
Thank you for all you did traveling and training a handful of our coaches last week. It was a cold evening and a small group but you gave us your very best and I so appreciate the time you spent working with them. I am grateful for your gift of time and knowledge.
Your commitment to the mission of training, in all facets, is admirable. Thank you so very much. Will be seeing you soon.Until that time, peace, safety and joy to you with the start of the spring season!
Warmest Regards,
Casey Henderson
Coach Services Manager
NJ Special Olympics
Coach Mirabelli’s teaching methods with the javelin have helped me throw better. He encourages his throwers and gives time to everyone. He helped me out by working with my schedule. I used to have a pain in my side when I threw and after going to him only once times the pain subsided. I’ve was having trouble with getting my steps down and he set up my steps with me…I’ve tried other coaches and the way they approached the javelin wasn’t as good to me as the way Coach Mirabelli does. Coach Mirabelli stresses quality of throws over quantity. He has fixed the way I hold the Jav, and changed the way I approach with the javelin. He is even coming down to me to set up a weight lifting program for me. I’ve seen a definite improvement of 10-12 feet after going to Coach Mirabelli Only 3 times.
Dan, Ocean Twp. HS
New Jersey
A Big Thank You To Coach Mirabelli
Tim Raywood
I was an inconsistent 170 foot javelin thrower who couldn’t keep the javelin in the vector. Now I am one of the best in New Jersey throwing over 192 feet within the vector. Coach Mirabelli also played a part in helping me achieve a scholarship to Monmouth University a Division 1 school. I improved from 172′ to 192′ this year. Thanks coach for your knowledge in the javelin and for all your support throughout the season!
Tim Raywood
Nottingham HS, NJ
Dr. Dan Adams
You’re a FREAKING GENIUS!!!! Let me tell you how I’ve come to that conclusion. First couple practices…eh…threw really hard and just managed to muster 150′ with a 1000 gram javelin (I put a 200 gram donut on a regular javelin thanks to your First to the Finish catalog). Arm hurt, knee hurt, and I was slow as lead. Today, pretty much of the same slow, painful stuff until, on a whim, I wrapped like crazy and slowed it down.
Away it went! Better yet, no pain in the elbow. Funny thing, the more I slowed it down and concentrated on wrapping it and biting the tip, the easier it was. Can’t wait until Monday when I throw again. I just gotta clean it up. I’m not expecting some magnanimous throw but I know I got more. Thanks coach…I remembered concepts you taught me. I going to the masters championship in July 9th but I’d like to meet up with you one or two days after that meet to clean some things up. I need my coach to kick me in the butt!
Dr. Dan Adams (Master Thrower)
Chuck Hafer
My son Pete is fifteen years old and clearly needed some personal training in all three throws events. I read testimonials portion of Mark’s website and was impressed, but skeptical-could anybody really be that good? Well, I’m here to tell you this guy’s for real! After only two sessions my son increased his personal best in the javelin from 126′ to 141′ and the shot from 33′ to 39′. It’s a two hour trip for us but that won’t stop us from continuing to train with Coach Mark. We love his energy, passion for the sport, and the fact that he genuinely wants his students to succeed.
Chuck Hafer
Chris, Cheryl & Paul
Hi Mark,
Last year I was looking on line for some type of clinic nearby for my son Christopher to attend to help his technique in Disc & Jav. We took the ride down to NDHS for your clinic and Chris was lucky enough to be in your Javelin class. He loved every minute of it. We decided to drive 1 1/2 hours to your house for what we thought would be a” one time” individual session….Boy were we wrong! This past year, under your coaching every few weeks, has changed Chris so much… he has lost over 30lbs…. He has decided that Disc and Shot are his future & is hoping for acceptance at a Division I school for college in 2 years. Your techniques, drills and direction have completely changed his way of throwing! Since we do not have Winter Track, this Spring Track season, Chris has seen his best throwing days so far with an overall increase of 15 ft. in disc and about 7 ft. in shot! Not bad for a sophomore…he is one of the lead throwers on his Varsity track team. Your guidance outside “the circle”, regarding schoolwork and plans for a career, are greatly appreciated by us also! He is looking forward to a very successful track future with you in his corner!
Chris, Cheryl & Paul
Hawthorne, NJ
Stephanie Trafton – Olympic Gold Medalist, Discus

“The Mirabelli camp is perfect for anyone young or old of all levels! I loved the quick and informative presentation format which kept the athletes attention throughout the entire session. The variety of coaches and instructors is outstanding and they answered all questions with in-depth knowledge. It is a great start to a successful season!”
Zach Scott
Coach Mirabelli gave me very effective drills and stretching routines to work on. He has helped me improve to the type of thrower I always wanted to be. With his help I hope to compete with the best throwers in my state. I am from Lewisburg high school in Pennsylvania. I travel 4 hours to practice with coach Mirabelli and in the end it is definitely worth it.
Zach Scott
Lewisburg HS, PA
Troy & Leah
Hey coach,
Since we talked last, Leah won the Sectional shot Championship (40’1″) and placed second (125’7″) in the discus at Sectional. This past Tuesday Leah threw in the area Regional event and won both Discus(126’11”) and shot (40’11.75″) and earned a birth in both to the State Championship on June 1st. We only have one State meet here in Indiana and she’s one of 24 in each event. She will be seeds in the middle of the field, but feeling relaxed and throwing well. She needs more height on the discus and would be much longer 135+. Will try and send you clips asap for review.
Leah set the school record at 40’11.75″ but has thrown at 42 during practice… and over 130′ in discus… not bad for a sophomore :O) Be in touch soon…
Troy & Leah
Leah (Hoosier Girl)
Team Training in Long Island
Mark, WOW what a day!!! As a coach I have taken my athletes to different camps and clinics throuht my eleven years as a track coach. But this was a special experience. Having you come to our school and train our boys and girls for the day was incredible. The athletes and the coaches got a tremendous experience from the day. The information about warming-up to the technical training is something that myself and all of the athletes will never forget. We are already using many of the training tools that you taught us during our team practices. I know as a coach you helped me how to teach the athletes the proper mechanics in the throws so that they can become better throwers. Once again the athletes, the other coaches and myself truly thank you for a wonderful day of training and look foward to having a terrific season and years to come in competing in the throws.
Thanks again,
Coach Chris Meyers (Syosset, Long Island Track & Field)
Pratt Valentine
When I was in the market for seeking lessons for throwing Javelin, Shot Put, and Discus I shopped for someone who was a Scholar, Competitor, and Coach in the Sport of Track and Field. After purchasing my new Javelins, Discuses, and Shot puts; I picked up a few Throwing Series DVDs on the Shot-put, Discus,and Javelin. I watched those DVDs and was mesmerized by the fellow in DVDs. The other DVDs came from former World Class Athletes from various parts of the country.
After doing my homework, looking at websites, and making phone calls MARK MIRABELLI really stood out. It was his website and his testimonials that makes me proud to call him Coach or Mark. Even Will Hendricks, who was in his Discus DVD and various other outstanding Athletes have all gotten into good competitive schools on track scholarships. Everyone one of his athletes to include his son Chris has done really well.
In closing Mark Mirabelli is only a phone call or text message away.
Pratt (Maryland Masters Thrower)
Laura Nadelberg
Coming out of a very successful high school javelin career, I was looking forward to continued success in college. Yet, last spring, I was extremely disappointed with my regression, throwing seasonal bests that were about 15’ less than what I threw in high school. However, after working with Coach Mirabelli all last summer, I noticed instant results. Not only was I throwing farther in all of his lessons than I did all of my spring season, but I also felt strong and faster than I had before. He provided me with great drills to work on, a very helpful lifting schedule, and excellent coaching. I’m looking forward to my continued success this coming season, and I owe it all to Coach Mirabelli.
Laura Nadelberg
Expect the unexpected!
It was a hard decision! Driving a total of hrs, over 400 miles to accomplish 4 hours of javelin training in the cold of winter! We read the testimonials and we researched Coach Mirabelli but what we found was greater than any testimonial out there. From his knowledge level, to his engagement with his athletes, to the elite level of analysis- it all was just purely amazing. Our daughter walked out of her first session throwing her personal best and this is just the beginning! His honest, straight forward, impeccable analysis, excitement, purview, and proven experience is beyond outstanding and we can’t wait to see what’s to come!
Regards Azadeh
Cody Unger
During my sophomore year in High School, I averaged in the 150’s with the javelin. My best was a mere 160′. At the end of the track season, my coach announced to me that she taught me all that she knew about the javelin, and if wanted to further improve, to see Coach Mark Mirabelli. During my first session with him, I already saw improvements. During that lesson, I went from 160′ to 165′. Through five lessons,Coach Mirabelli has brought me from 160′ to 195′. He also helped me to place 5th in the Penn Relays with a throw of 194′. Besides increasing my throwing distance, he has helped me improved my consistency by greatly improving my confidence. Mark is a great coach and a phenomenal teacher. If you want to improve your throwing, I highly recommend Coach Mirabelli!
Cody Unger
Jefferson HS
Learning, not just throwing.
My kids (16 and 12 yo) have had training before. I’ve got to say I’ve never seen them work so consistently on drills and throwing.
Quite honestly no one ever really gave them specific stuff to work on or at least never let them know the expectation was that they would do it.
They have even both been taking notes after watching video of themselves throwing each time.
I’m really impressed with the level of understanding they’re already starting to display about what they’re trying to accomplish with the drills and how it carries over to their throws.
Expect the unexpected!
It was a hard decision to make… over 180 miles and four hours of driving each way, waking up early, and training for another several hours in the cold of winter!
We read the testimonials and researched Coach Mirabelli’s training programs before we decided to try, but nothing could have prepared us for the enlightening, powerful, emotional and outstanding level of training we experienced throughout the day.
Coach was full of energy and enthusiasm, created a super strong connection and rapport with Arianna and now will be an essential part of our daughter’s journey to the top! She even hit her PR on the first day! We are sure that Arianna will become an exceptional thrower and rise to expectations and goals she has for herself with the help of Coach Mirabelli!
The Pinlands HS Girls Javelin Elite!
Coach Mirabell,
Thanks so much for preparing us for the New Balance Nationals 2015!
Thank You coach!
Hi Coach Mark, I just wanted to thank you for once again coaching the boys on Sunday. It is very obvious that you truly care about coaching the correct way and have a passion for what you do. I really can’t thank you enough for your time and patience with Arti and Tristan. I expect that in a week when school ends I will see them practicing the drills you and Chris taught them. I would love to have Chris’s e-mail address so I can thank him too, as it was tremendous to have him coaching alongside you. We certainly didn’t expect such a treat and are honored that we got 2 Mirabelli coaches in one lesson! We truly hit the jackpot finding you.
Sincerely, Tammy Schmidt
Eileen, Kevin, and Bridget Boyle
We just want to thank you again for all the help that you have given Bridget. She attained her goal of earning All Catholic Honorable Mention (fifth place) in the Archdiocesan Finals for the javelin.She placed seventh in her discus throw in which she had never even placed before. Thank you again.
Eileen, Kevin, and Bridget Boyle
Frank Tholis
Add another All American to the athletes that you trained. Matt took 7th place today at the NCAA Div II Finals in Pueblo CO. He could not have done it without your great coaching.
Frank Tholis
Patti Appezzato
I started taking my son Anthony to Coach Mirabelli in April of 2005. I only have positive words to say about his training and the way he has built self confidence in my son in his throwing ability. Besides the improvement my son has shown in this short time, Mark had a way about him that brought out the best in my son. My son who is a quiet individual always had such great things to say about coach Mirabelli and always looked forward to his workouts. My son trained to throw the discus, and now this summer he will be trained to throw the Javelin and just can’t wait to start. We owe much Thanks to Mark Mirabelli for all he has done for Anthony and for all I know he will continue to do. Thank you Mark for all your time and effort in making Anthony a better track athlete!
Patti Appezzato (Mother)
Somerville HS
Ray Findley
Hey coach,
Googled your name last night and saw your clinic still going. I Just want to let you know I can never forget the passion and knowledge you coached me with. It sucked to go to college and your best coach was in high school. I set the school record in the javelin for my college and won my division championship every year but at the end it was all about the love of it all. You really have been a great source of passion and love of the sport and life. I still remember the day you explained the tunnel vision. I thank you for your hard work!
Ray Findley (1986 graduate Willingboro HS)
Danielle Travis
Coach Mark!
I’m so glad that I got the oppurtunity to come train with you, it was worth the plane ticket. Thank you so much for helping me with my technique and showing me the correct way to throw. I’ll never forget when I first met you, you were so excited, you had so much enthusiasm, which is what makes you a truly great coach. Hopefully I can come back up this summer! Because of you, I power threw 123 at the state meet and got 3rd place! Have a great day 🙂
Danielle Travis (your favorite from SC)
Massive Improvement
I first trained with Coach in the winter of my sophomore year having a PR of 96’ throwing the javelin. In my first lesson with him I ended up throwing 101’; so i already PRed by 5 feet… and it was my first lesson! By the beginning of spring season I was throwing 108’ thanks to Coach. Throughout the year I continued to get better and better and then at the Meet of Champs of my sophomore year I threw 131’ 3” that placed me sixth in the state!! In the beginning of the year I probably wasn’t even in the top 30 in the state and by the end of the year i was sixth in the state!! I wouldn’t be at that point going into my junior year if it wasn’t for going to Coach Mirabelli for practice. It’s not just about making a 35’ increase in one year that makes Coach so special; it’s his true energy and excitement every time I go train with him. Whenever I leave, I go back home motivated and determined to get better because he gets so excited when I throw when we train together. That is what really separates him from being just a regular coach to being a truly amazing coach to be trained by.
Terrence Glover
In my freshmen year I threw the discus 99′ and the shot 38′ which was not good in my eyes so I quit the team only to have coach Mirabelli encouraged me to stay on the team. Thank God I did! Coach Mirabelli gave me the confidence with informative progressive drills that enhanced my technique tremendously! I became a 3-time Meet of Champion, and won the National HS Title in the USA in the discus 196’7″ and placed 3rd in the Shot with a 61’5″ toss in 1998 and 1999! I got a full scholarship to Penn State. Thanks Coach for all your help!
Terrence Glover
Hamilton West HS
Troy & Leah Heckaman
Hey Coach,
Just wanted to check in and update you on Leah’s season to date. She has been working very hard at practice and in the weight room, and watches her “Coach Mark” DVD regularly as a point of reference to the “right way” to do things. She has been blessed with good health all season and has been pretty much injury free. Leah completed the Indoor season with a Silver Medal performance at State Championship with a throw of 38′ 9.75″. It was a PR and new school record for her and sophomore class record for indoors.
Outdoors has been successful as well. Leah set the school record for shot three times (so far) this season with throws of 38′ 8″, 40′ 1″ and 41″ 7″! She has increased her PR in discus as well from 116’8″ last year to 131’5″ (so far). The school record is 140′ 2″ and we hope to keep closing in on it as well. Wish that we lived closer to NJ to get more of the Coach Mark magic… Your no nonsense approach and skilled eye for the “little things” have provided Leah with a wealth of knowledge that she now self diagnoses her throws and can make educated adjustments.
We trust all is well in NJ and hope to see you soon.
Troy & Leah Heckaman
Mr. Sipe
Hey Coach.
Delia won her region with a 36′ 5″. Since she is only a Freshman she is thrilled. Wouldn’t have happened without you. Thanks for everything.
Mr. Sipe (Maryland)
Sue Unger
It is unbelievable! We know he would not have gotten this far without You! You have been there and truly believed in him and gave him so much confidence in him self to follow his dreams and goals and accomplish them too! You gave him special attention and went way beyond what we ever expected of a coach. (Here we thought we were just sending him for a few little throwing lessons) What we got in return was more than we ever could have expected. You have been a wonderful Coach, Mentor, and friend to all of us! Pete, Cody and I are truly grateful for all you have done to get Cody where he is today!
Thanks again,
Sue Unger (Mother)
Sal Adamo
I am 5’10”, 160 lbs soaking wet! I am a multi-event athlete who went to Coach Mirabelli throwing the shot 38′. In approximately 8 sessions, my throws have increased to 47′ 2″ and I believe that during my junior year I will throw 50′. Coach Mirabelli’s system of training works and I am living proof of it.
Sal Adamo, 16
Phillipsburg, NJ
Griffen Kingkiner

Hi Mark,
Here is a message from Griffen:
Before I got a private lesson from Mark Mirabelli, I was throwing the javelin all wrong. My grip was wrong, my technique was wrong, and I wasn’t throwing it up. During my training session he taught me the right way to grip it, how to throw it up more so it had a good arc, how to improve my throwing technique and a three step skip. I have more than doubled my distances!!
Now, thanks to my training session with Mark, I have qualified to compete at the National Junior Disability Championship in Michigan and I have already set a national record in my classification (Ambulatory Class F43) for the javelin!
Griffen Kingkiner
12 years old
Mr. Sartori
Dear Mark, Mickey & Karen:
I am writing to thank you for providing such excellent insight into coaching High Jump during Mark Mirabelli’s Clinic this past Sunday. I left the clinic with an overflowing toolbox full of knowledge that I can now share with my High Jumpers at Immaculate Heart Academy. My confidence and knowledge as a coach has risen dramatically thanks to your teaching. I feel that I have transitioned from being a rookie coach with only a few months of experience to a coach who is well-equipped to train quality High Jumpers.
Thank you,
Mr. Sartori
Nick Kotovy
In 1994 I was stuck at 176′ for 3 years. My mother worked at another HS and found out about Coach Mirabelli. In six weeks he changed my entire form and gradually I went from 176′ to 231’5″ in six weeks of training earning me a full scholarship to the University of Nebraska. I became a National Champion! Thanks to you Coach Mirabelli for all your hard work and knowledge in the throws!
Nick Kotovy
Steinert HS, NJ
Thanks so much for your javelin clinic! I learned so much and now consider myself an actual Jav coach. You break down the fundamentals into basics that the kids really absorbed. From stretching to drills our team now uses. We gain so much from your expertise and had a ball doing it!
Kevin Roehrig
Mr. Mark Mirabelli has helped me throw further in the shot put and the discus in many ways. Mark Mirabelli has ameliorated the development of my spin technique in these events. Another way he bolstered me was by improving my confidence. The final way Mr. Mirabelli has improved my throwing was by keeping me on a lifting routine that helps me gain muscle proficiently. Mr. Mark Mirabelli has inspired me to continue throwing and to reach my goals.
Kevin Roehrig
The Girls both said they learned so much from the clinic, they didn’t care they were the youngest in the crowd:) thank you again so much for all you do!!!
Rich and Paige Habgood
In the course of two years, Mark Mirabelli was able to transform our son, a javelin thrower who topped out at the 120’s ‘, to a young man who is now throwing in the mid 160’s ‘ . Coach Mirabelli is not only a great instructor, but a wonderful role model. He truly cares about our son and how he is progressing. Without Coach Mirabelli’s instruction, I truly believe our son would have never made it to States. He knows how to push our son to make him throw at his full potential and have the confidence needed while competing. It was a pleasure sitting at our son’s Meets and hearing comments from the other people about how well his form looks and how he knows how to throw the javelin properly. Mark is a true professional who knows how to get through to these athletes. We would highly recommend Coach Mirabelli to any young athlete who is looking to improve their form, strength and distance while throwing.
Rich and Paige Habgood
Parents of Thomas Habgood – Notre Dame High School Class of 2016
Rich and Paige
Thank you again for everything you have done for Thomas. We will never forget your kindness and generosity. We will let you know how he does in States and will get your javelin back to you as soon as States are over. Not only will Thomas miss you, we will too. We will let you know how Thomas does at IUP. Hopefully he can throw for them, if they have a Men’s Javelin team. We will continue to follow your son’s progress on your website. It was a pleasure to have known you.
Rich and Paige
Big Dog Pete

Big Dog Pete (a young 69 + years old)Winner at the USATF Masters Shot Put in Hawaii this June.
Hi mark!
Just an update on Pete: gold in the shot put with 35 feet 5 inches. Discus he got bronze but 2 fouls and only throw to count was 93 feet 10 inches. He was so upset because he worked so hard out here.
Thanks again for all your help.
Dan Snipe
Hi Coach!
Thanks for the great session with Colin. The improvement in just a few hours was pretty impressive. He can’t wait to come back. ANYONE who is within 4 hours of you and is serious about putting up big numbers should book time with you.
Dad… Dan Snipe ( Maryland)
Matt Tholis
After finishing my junior season I was only a halfway decent javelin thrower with a personal best at 151 and some change, I didn’t even make it past the state sectional meet. My coach told me that if i wanted to take my throwing to the next level I would need a personal coach. So he reccomended Coach Mirabelli. I started training in the summer with Coach Mirabelli, and after only a few sessions my throws went from an occasional 150 to a consistent high 160 even a few at 170. During the season I came in first in every dual meet, and came in 1st in the Somerset County Championships. I came in third at the state group meet with a personal best ,and a school record throw of 180 feet 6 inches.I refuse to believe that there is a coach more passionate about the throwing events than Coach Mirabelli, his passion and technical coaching style, are what makes him the best coach around !
Matt Tholis, Montgomery High School ’08
Gary Johnson
I have been fortunate to have Coach Mirabelli as a full time coach for the past three years. I have won many Counties and State titles, and placed tenth last year at the Nike HS Championships held in NC. Coach Mirabelli has been the key factor to my HS success. When I first started I was only throwing 125′. Since my freshmen year I have improved to a consistent 188′ thrower .In 2006 I placed 6th at the Nike Outdoors and 4th at the Penn Relays with a personal best of 194′. Thanks to Coach Mirabelli for all his informative sessions in the javelin!
Gary Johnson
Hamilton West HS
Marlon & Sam Mattis
Hello Mark,
Sam and I wanted to reach out to you and personally thank you for your guidance and support during his Freshman year. All sprints begin with that very first step, and we fully recognize how critical that first step was that we took with you in 2009.
Your creative and effective drills and infectious love for throwing coupled with your genuine care for and support of your athletes/trainees was the fuel that ignited Sam’s love for throwing.
Winning a National title in the discus and consecutive MOCs as well as state Freshman, Sophomore and Junior class records is not just a testament to how hard Sam has worked, it also represents the guidance that the he has received over the course of his/her career. You played a pivotal early role in Sam’s success and for that we would like to thank you.
There is not a year that goes by that a part of his training doesn’t involve early principles that you laid down years ago. These principles are the bedrock around which we develop the other elements of his yearly program.
Thanks again for the start to what we hope will be a great throwing career in high school, college and beyond.
Best Always,
Marlon & Sam Mattis
Mr. Messick
Alex threw 167 to finish 2nd place in counties today with a new PR.
Thanks for everything!
Mr. Messick
Sam Mattis-A Crazy Dream in 2009 was nurtured by Mark and this year it bore more fruit
So, Sam Mattis showed up at Mark’s house the in 2009. Sam was wearing a pair of high top cross trainers, giant Afro and a Cheshire cat grin to meet his new coach.
Mark asked Sam what his goals were; I will never forget the response from both of them. Sam said “I want to win the Meet of Champions, win the US High School Nationals and set the NJ record in the discus”. Mark smiled and told him to slow down. He said “let’s teach you how to throw the discus first”. I started laughing because I know my son and once he locked in on his goals not even a team of Clydesdales could stop him from achieving them. I also appreciated Mark’s calm and funny response. It was classic Mirabelli as I have come to know him over time.
Long story short; with Mark’s guidance and foundational principles Sam was able to:
1. Set the discus record for all NJ high school classes, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and ultimately took the state record away from Ron Dayne at 218’4″. He also won 2 high school nationals.
2. He went on to set the Ivy League and American Collegiate record with a toss of 221’3″
3. He holds the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th farthest throws by an American Collegiate thrower.
4. He’s the only Ivy Leaguer to win the Heps 4 years in a row and holds the Conference record
5. He won the 2015 NCAA Division 1 discus throw at 205′
6. In 2018 he took a proud third at the USATF Nationals
7. This year, 2019, he won his first USATF Nationals with a toss of 218’9″. This qualified him for the World Championships in Doha, Qatar in October. He also surpassed the 2020 standard for the Tokyo Olympics. Additionally, it afforded him to travel to Europe from August to September to compete against the world’s best discus throwers.
So, this testimonial is not about Sam, it’s about what having the right early coach and mentor can do for your dreams. Mark could have easily told Sam on that day in 2009 that his dreams were unreasonable. Mark never thought about doing this for a millisecond. He said what all great teachers say “Let me teach you how to achieve your dreams!” For that simple, yet thoughtful statement, I will always think of Mark as the best first mentor we could have ever dreamed of connecting with.
Dream big, aim high, work hard, focus and listen well but get the right teacher to keep the competitive fire hot. Not all coaches are created equally and not all coaches are mentors. Sam could not and would not have achieved his dreams without mentor Mark Mirabelli. I am 100% certain of that fact.
Hi Mark!
Sarah truly enjoyed yesterday! She’s more pumped up than ever!
Kaci Jones
Hi Coach Mirabelli
Its great to hear from you! I am actually a junior this year so I am not yet committed anywhere. But Notre Dame is still looking like my #1 choice. This upcoming week is the State track and field meet for Washington. I am qualified in shot, disc and jav. 🙂 I am really excited. My PR’s so far are 132’5″ in disc, 39′ 5.25″ in shot, and 132’4″ in jav. Again I give so much credit to you for all the corrections to my technique and new drills that have helped me further my throws. I have gained 15ft in one season in the disc. and 2 ft in shot. I have been so happy with my season. Thank you again so much. 🙂 Hope all is well in Jersey.
Kaci Jones
Portand ,Oregon (came for 2 days)
Marlon Mattis
Hi Mark,
I hope all is well. I wanted to send you this link of a video I did for Sam and again express our heartfelt thanks for your early support and tutelage of Sam. Of all the coaches that he has seen over the past 4 years, I consider your contribution to his early development and love of throwing to be the most important. You just made it exciting to love the events. The video is a bit long but please watch it through the end. I think you will enjoy it. You will probably recognize a slow motion clip of Sam at your training session from Freshman year 2009.
We can’t thank you enough. A great coach is the same as a great teacher, they just make you want to continue to learn and grow. Thanks for planting this very important seed.
Best Regards, Marlon Mattis
Sam Mattis State Record holder 218′-8″